France B2C E-commerce Report 2019

05 Juni, 2019

GDP is forecast to grow by 3.2% in 2019.

‘France is one of the main e-commerce markets at European and global level, a growing market, with savvy consumers who do not hesitate to buy out of their borders, so to approach this interesting market with a smart return policy is a key factor to success.’
Hernando Cuadros, E-commerce Industry Manager, Asendia Spain

This new report by Ecommerce Foundation explores the B2C e-commerce market of France, including the consumer behaviours and trends in this country. The report also contains expert interviews with Asendia and SAP, global manufacturer of enterprise software.

Infrastructure & Logistics

France ranks highly in the LPI index, which reflects perceptions of a country's logistics based on efficiency of customs clearance process, quality of trade and ease of logistics services. They are also doing well in the Ease of Doing Business Index and the E-Government Development Index.

E-commerce Landscape

Amazon is the leading online retailer in electronics and media, accounting for more than €1 billion in sales. With regards to consumer preference in payment methods, bank cards are the widely used method by French customers, followed by online banking, and there is a healthy percentage of consumers who prefer to shop cross-border.

The report also contains information on the top online stores, the most preferred delivery methods, the number of online shoppers and average online spend.


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